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Inside Out

HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement is dedicated to advancing the rights and empowerment of communities across the MENA region through strategic activism, advocacy, and collaboration.

Our approach transcends borders, resonating with a diverse array of stakeholders, including civil society, activists, citizens, and democratic governments.

Engaging people IN, FROM, and FOR MENA

HuMENA promotes civic engagement in the MENA region to address inequality and empower marginalized communities. They emphasize engaging the MENA diaspora in change-making and human rights promotion through three pillars: integrating emigration into local policymaking, fostering diaspora involvement through advocacy networks, and supporting collaborations with local civil societies. HuMENA aims to establish institutional systems that incorporate citizens’ voices in decision-making, enhancing government responsiveness. They collaborate with various stakeholders, including local civil society, the diaspora, and international organizations, for the betterment of the MENA region.

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Years of Experience

Themes of Work

Empowering Change through Our Diverse Themes

Civil Rights Activism
Democracy and Justice Activism
Activism in Exile
Gender and Sexuality Activism
Social Movements
Civic Space Activism
Digital Activism

Partners and Supporters

Empowering Change, Together

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